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Book an appointment or consultation with Dr. Laurel Liu, Licensed Acupuncturist.

About Me

Entrust your health to the ancient medicine of the Chinese natural approach to healing and let me take good care of your body and mind.


Hi, I'm Laurel. My original Chinese name is Luoluo Liu, and I am your expert in traditional Chinese medicine.  

I have graduated from renowned universities, both in China and Canada, with a major in traditional Chinese medicine.

My broad experience consists of board-licensed acupuncture with the College and Association of Acupuncturists in Alberta (CAAA), Registered Traditional TuiNa massage therapy with Natural Health Practitioners of Canada (NHPC), and Herbalism.

I was born and raised in China. I am lucky to learn from my ancestors' experience and incredibly proud and grateful to be the second generation of Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner in my family. Both my mother and aunt are traditional Chinese medicine doctors who inspired me from my earliest days. My mum is a respected doctor at the Zhang Zhong Jin Chinese Medical Hospital in China. Her passion, family work environment, and years of education are fundamental to my understanding of how traditional Chinese medicine remarkably improves people's lives. I am particularly passionate about the benefits of holistic approaches to the human body and how it functions in perfect harmony with nature. 

Since 2013 I have been working in an acupuncture clinic in Canada. I have already helped thousands of patients using traditional acupuncture, herbal medicine, guasha, tuina, and other remedies.

My patients come from all over the world to benefit from the ancient knowledge of traditional healing. I am happy to say that many of my patients became friends over the years. They entrusted me with their health, and in return, they received a dedicated, personal approach to their problems, professional diagnosis, and natural, proven effective treatment.


My primary mission is to spread the word about the benefits of traditional medicine and help you achieve better life without chronic pain or other ailments through the ancient knowledge of Chinese natural approach to body and mind.

Body and mind in a perfect balance, like day and night, sun and moon, male and female, adequately cared for, will result in good mental and physical health. One of my favourite books, an ancient coursebook about Chinese medicine written over 4000 years ago, says:

“The sages of antiquity did not treat those who were already sick, but those who were not sick, when a disease has already broken out and is only then treated, would that not be just as late as to wait for thirst before digging a well, or to wait to go into battle before casting weapons?”


 Why Choose Me?

Traditional Chinese medicine is not just my profession, it’s my passion and cultural heritage. It was present in my life from my earliest days thanks to doctors in my family. Growing up with the curiosity, will to learn and help people was my ultimate motivation to start my carrier path. Graduated from renowned universities, I continue to expand my expertise through research and practice. After nearly 10 years of working in a Canadian acupuncture clinic, I have helped thousands of patients from all over the world to achieve their life balance, heal and bring relief through a natural approach to body and mind treatment. I am proud to carry the legacy of my ancestors and apply traditional methods of acupuncture, massage, and herbalism to cure my patients.

Years of
of CEU
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