5 Signs of Good Kidney Health

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the kidney is the foundation of the innate. The viscera stores the life essence and oversees the growth and development of the human body, reproduction, and other physiological functions. 

Our kidneys are vital to our health, they determine whether a person will live a long life. There are a total of five indicators of good kidneys! If you can check off more than two, your kidneys are in good standing. 


Five Manifestations of Healthy Kidneys 

1. Strong Teeth 

If you have strong and healthy teeth, you can feel more confident that your kidney function is strong! The teeth are most closely related to the kidneys. If you experience looseness/ weakness or underdeveloped teeth, this could mean your kidney function is struggling. 

Adults who have sparse teeth, exposed tooth roots, pale bleeding gums, yellow/ withered teeth, and gingival flesh atrophy likely have a Qi deficiency in their kidney. 

Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that the kidney is responsible for the maintenance of bone and produces the marrow. Teeth are the strongest bones in the body so if they begin to deteriorate, we can look to how the kidney is operating and begin to fix the root issue there. 


2. Healthy & Strong Hair

Hair loss is a direct reflection of the body’s internal organ health and should not be ignored. Chinese medicine believes that the kidney “stores the essence and its splendor is in the hair”. Too much fatigue, a lack of proper rest, and long-term physical exhaustion can lead to excessive consumption of kidney essence which in return causes thinning of hair and baldness. Men in stressful work environments are especially prone to such problems.

 3. Clear Hearing 

If you can hear clearly without impairment, this is a good sign that your kidneys are functioning at full capacity. TCM suggests that kidneys govern the storage of essence and open the orifices in the ears, so the condition of your ears and hearing correlate directly to the kidney function. 

TCM treats the ear as an external manifestation of the "kidney" and its Qi which regulates the hearing function. If you experience symptoms of tinnitus or hearing loss, begin to focus on kidney function to bring strength to the ears. 


4. Strong Lower Back & Knees 

The lower back is actually home to the kidneys, and one of the first places a deficiency will be noticeable.  Sitting for a hours a day causes strain on the lower back which leads to poor flow of Kidney Qi causing deficiency. If the kidneys are not healthy, the lower back and knees become sore and weak. 


5. Good Brain Function & Memory 

In Traditional Chinese Medicine "the brain is the sea of ​​marrow" and the kidneys are directly responsible for marrow production! If the kidney essence is sufficient then it can nourish the brain and develop a person's mind to become more energetic and better at memorizing and recalling memories. If you find that you feel dizzy, have poor memory, are lethargic, respond slowly, and are forgetful then it is likely your kidney essence is insufficient. 

There are are many TCM can help your kidneys, including gua sha and acupressure. Sunmooncare has a Terahertz Gua Set available in store and by using these tools in your practice daily you can improve your health, physically and mentally! Terahertz stone itself was developed by Japanese scientists and has exceptional healing properties due to high frequencies of electromagnetic vibrations & thermal conductivity.

This stone can miraculously increase blood circulation, revitalize energy levels & boost cell healing. Terahertz stone can even melt ice due to its heat-conducting quality which is visible under thermal imaging cameras. You can try it for yourself at home!

There are countless health benefits that come with this the application of this stone, making it a highly effective material to use for your daily GuaSha routine.

laurel LIU